Keeping Calm and Avoiding Panic is Need of the Hour in this COVID-19 Situation
We humbly request every customer to practise precautions, remain calm and avoid panicking in any situation!
We all are amidst the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. A state of panic can be seen in people in a lot of areas, which is natural and expected, taking into account the present situation.
However, we are taking anti-social and unnecessary steps which are causing further harm and problems to an already bad situation. Some of the things that we got to hear about:
● People are storing Oxygen cylinders at home for emergencies even when no one in the family is COVID positive
● People are buying Remdesivir even when it has not been suggested by a Doctor for the specific case
● Enquiring about the availability of a Bed in Hospitals without having any actual need
All this is causing unnecessary demand and an atmosphere of despair!
These incidents are causing actual harm and also problems for patients in getting solutions which should not have been the case normally.
However, there is a lot that we can do:
1. If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, you can opt for online treatment and practice precautions to fight it.
2. If you are stepping out of your home, make sure to question yourself and ask, is it really that necessary to go?
3. Also, make sure to use your mask at home, as House helps and servants use Public Transport to reach your home, so there is risk involved.
We will just have to practice these precautions for 15 days, and things will start getting back to normal.
But what about the headaches at Business?
We understand that apart from these concerns, you are also worried about the problems at Business.
Overall, We again request you to understand that the biggest priority is not to panic in the current situation caused by the pandemic. Your fear or anxiety will do no good to anyone!
No matter how hard the situation gets, your patience and the ability to make decisions will protect you from all the problems.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Home!